How to grow magnolia from seed

Magnolia seeds

This article is about how to grow magnolia from seed. The seed pods of a magnolia tree have an unusual surprise in store for them in the fall, after the blossoms have faded. Magnolia seed pods, which resemble exotic-looking cones, open to expose vivid red berries, attracting birds, squirrels, and other creatures. The magnolia seeds are found inside the berries. If the conditions are exactly right, you might even find a magnolia seedling growing under a magnolia tree. let’s discuss how to gro magnolia from seed.

Magnolia Seed Propagation

You can try your hand at growing magnolias from seed in addition to transplanting and cultivating a seedling. Because magnolia seeds cannot be purchased in packets, they require a little more effort to propagate. Because the seeds are no longer viable once they have dried out, you must harvest fresh seeds from the berries to start a magnolia tree from seed.

How to grow magnolia from seed

Determine whether the parent tree is a hybrid before going to the trouble of harvesting magnolia seed pods. Hybrid Magnolias don’t consistently reproduce correctly, and the new tree may not look like the parent. You may not realize you’ve made a mistake until the new tree produces its first flowers 10 to 15 years after you planted the seed.

Magnolia Seed Pod Harvesting

You must extract the berries off the pod when they are bright red and fully mature when collecting magnolia seed pods for seed collection. Soak the seeds in lukewarm water overnight after removing the fleshy berry. The next day, brush the seed on a hardware cloth or a wire screen to remove the outer covering.

Magnolia seeds must go through a stratification process before they may germinate. Mix the seeds thoroughly in a container of damp sand. It should not be so wet that water drops from your hand when you squeeze the sand. Place the container in the refrigerator and leave it there for at least three months or until the seeds are ready to be planted. When you take the seeds out of the fridge, a signal is sent to the seed, telling it that winter is over and it’s time to start growing a magnolia tree from seed.

Magnolia Trees from Seed

You should sow magnolia seeds in the spring, either directly in the ground or in pots, if you want to grow a tree from seed. Cover the seeds with a quarter-inch (0.5 cm) of soil and keep it moist until the seedlings emerge. While the magnolia seedling grows, a layer of mulch will help the soil retain moisture. New seedlings will also require shelter from direct sunshine for the first year.

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Magnolia trees produce seed cones that litter yards and sidewalks in the fall. Squirrels and migrating birds like the delicious red seeds, which can also be collected to help develop new magnolias!

Growing magnolias from seed requires perseverance: not only will you have to wait a few months for signs of sprouting, but the seedlings could take up to 15 years to bloom! If you’ve ever seen a Southern magnolia in full bloom, you know it’s well worth the wait.

How to grow magnolia from seedBelow discussed how to grow magnolia from seed.

Magnolia Seeds: How to grow magnolia from seed

Let’s discuss how to grow magnolia from seed. To cultivate magnolia trees from seeds in your yard, follow these five simple procedures.

Collecting Magnolia Seeds is the first step

Look for magnolia cones that have begun to open and release their seeds. If you can’t find any, buy some fresh cones and leave them dry and open for a few days. Remove the red magnolia seeds from the cone by gently shaking them.

Scarify Magnolia Seeds in Step 2

To remove the crimson pulpy coating on magnolia seeds, scrub them with a paper towel. If the seed coat still won’t come off, soak the seeds in water overnight to soften them, discarding any that float.

After you’ve removed the seed coat, softly scrape the seed with sandpaper, screen wire, or steel wool to roughen up the surface (this is termed “scarifying”). This eliminates the seed’s protective oils, making it simpler to break apart and sprout.

Stratify Magnolia Seeds in Step 3

Allow the seeds to rest at 40° to 45° F for 3-6 months without drying out. There are three options for accomplishing this.

The simplest method is to combine the seeds with a moist seed-starting mix or peat, place them in a plastic bag or container, and store them in the refrigerator for the winter.

Cold Frame: Alternatively, you can sow the seeds in a seed tray or tiny pot and place them in a cold frame approximately 1/2 inch deep. Keep the soil moist and protected from freezing temperatures during the winter.

Plant the seeds outside, about 1/2′′ deep, with a layer of mulch to hold in moisture if you like the natural option. Keep in mind that if you plant them outside, they may not live if it freezes or dries out, and they’ll be easy food for hungry squirrels!

Plant Magnolia Seeds in Step 4

Plant your magnolia seeds in the ground or pots when temps reach around 70° F in the spring, around 1/2′′ deep in a light planting medium. Keep the seeds uniformly moist until they germinate, which can take a few weeks or more.

Plant Magnolia Trees in step 5

Seedlings can either be transplanted to their permanent homes or grown in pots till they’re a little bigger. Keep the seedlings consistently wet and out of direct sunlight for the first year. This is all about how to grow magnolia from seed.


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