How to grow dragon jade plant

Planting guide for dragon jade plant

Succulents like the Dragon Jade plant originates in Southeast Asia. Its trailing leaves are supposed to resemble dragon scales because of their closely woven structure. Dragon bubbles and bubble plants are additional nicknames for these plants because of their leaves. Dischidia nummularia is the plant’s scientific name, and it is a wonderful addition to any house.
The information in this article will help you decide whether or not to buy a dragon jade plant if that’s something you’re interested in.

What is Dragon Jade?

Family Apocynaceae, which includes dragon jade plants, is also known as the Milkweed family. Trailing tendrils with little bubble-like structures are produced by these one-of-a-kind plants. This air plant, also known as an epiphyte, can grow on both rocks and trees.

How to grow dragon jade plant

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that can be grown in any of a variety of ways, the Dragon Jade plant is the one for you. As a native of Asia, these plants thrive in hot, humid environments. They demand more humidity than the usual succulent and should be maintained in an area with strong, indirect sunshine.

The dragon jade plant has a somewhat modest growth rate when compared to other succulents. A mature plant might take years to develop from a cutting if you don’t have a lot of patience. Two to eight inches per year is the typical growth rate for Dragon Jade plants. If you don’t have time to produce your own plants, you may always purchase a ready-to-plant specimen.

Growing A Dragon Jade Plant: Care Instructions

However, Dragon Jade plants are generally simple to care for, although they do have a few special needs. When caring for your jade dragon, you should keep the following factors in mind.


Succulents native to hot, humid climates include Dragon Jade plants. As a result, they need enough humidity in order to grow. By spraying your plant with a spray bottle every few days, you can keep it from drying out in a dry region. Don’t saturate your plant’s leaves; this might cause rot. Make sure you spray your plant in a well-ventilated environment.

Alternatively, you may submerge your dragon jade plant in a tray of water and stones. When the water evaporates, it serves to raise the humidity level in the air. In addition, you may arrange tropical plants and succulents together in order to boost humidity. You may also use a humidifier next to your dragon jade plant to raise the humidity level.

Temperature and Sunlight

Bright, indirect light is best for growing Dragon Jade plants. A ‘grow light’ may be used if your plant is in the shadow, but you can also grow your plant on a sunny windowsill. Low temperatures are not an issue for these plants. Succulents need to be kept away from heaters and vents, which emit hot, dry air that dries them out and lowers the humidity levels in the environment.

Getting sunburned on a jade plant is rather commonplace. This is a problem that can be avoided by following a few easy procedures.


Dragon Jade plants are air plants, which means they are averse to water and rely instead on the humidity from the leaves to get their water. You don’t have to water your plant if it’s fully dry. In humid areas, you’ll need to water your plant less often. Ensure that your plant isn’t overwatered. Instead of watering like other houseplants, soak the bottom of the plant for a few hours to supply it with the water it needs. Succulent fertilizer may also be applied yearly to your plant. The most prevalent cause of jade plant death is overwatering.


You can propagate your dragon jade plant by taking a cutting in the summer. It’s important to make sure that the cutting has at least two nodes before planting it. This will help your cutting flourish by providing the necessary heat and humidity.


Dry, well-draining soil is ideal for Dragon Jade plants, but they may also thrive on coconut husk or orchard bark. Some of these might be. Perlite or succulent soil may also be added to the container as a 50 percent potting soil mixture.


Animals and people should avoid consuming Dragon Jade plants. Keep this plant out of the reach of youngsters and dogs while it is growing. The sap from the plant may also irritate the skin.


Window sills, shelves, and hanging baskets all benefit from the uniqueness of dragon jade plants. They’re an easy-to-care-for air plant, but they do need a lot of humidity and sunshine to thrive.

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